06:59 morning all ... it's still frikkin raining ... arghhhhhhhhhh #
12:33 friday free choosing time is awesome - RR done; reading, maths & homework all planned #
16:44 home - TGIF & a 3-day weekend #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter06:59 morning all ... it's still frikkin raining ... arghhhhhhhhhh #
12:33 friday free choosing time is awesome - RR done; reading, maths & homework all planned #
16:44 home - TGIF & a 3-day weekend #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter08:50 morning all - school's about to start - why is it wet AGAIN? #
13:38 just blogged this - kiwilessa.livejournal.com/205932.html #
19:58 interesting article about web branding and animal names tinyurl.com/6eph3c #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter06:53 morning all - it's another day! 66 till my big holiday #
13:44 ah arthropods - what fun things to learn about!! #
16:41 does anyone know if LAX UA terminal has showers before immigration or in the UA domestic terminal #
18:59 going offline to read a *paper* book #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter16:07 peaceful here - our troubled boarder has left - he was told either stop smoking weed or leave - he left #
16:57 just blogged kiwilessa.livejournal.com/204328.html #
17:20 bundle has the loudest of purrs #
18:38 some random left an red office chair (wheeled type) on our verge #
20:06 www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26315908/ excellent coverage of US Presidential race #
11:16 listening to mccain on letterman - he can't say anything new about palin - same old stuff #
11:34 twitbin, twitterfox, twitterific what do you use? #
11:48 getting my photo taken today - need a current one for my diversity visa application #
13:34 heading offline to write reports and plan for next week #
16:27 RIP Mog - tinyurl.com/oslv2 #
20:18 tinyurl.com/3qol3o hank green & numa numa #
20:54 oyc.yale.edu/ online yale courses #
20:55 tinyurl.com/596cyk primary level OER Commons courses #
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