Saturday, October 25, 2008

It's Tweeter Time

today is brought to you by the following tweets ...

06:59 morning all ... it's still frikkin raining ... arghhhhhhhhhh #

12:33 friday free choosing time is awesome - RR done; reading, maths & homework all planned #

16:44 home - TGIF & a 3-day weekend #

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

It's Tweeter Time

today is brought to you by the following tweets ...

08:50 morning all - school's about to start - why is it wet AGAIN? #

13:38 just blogged this - #

19:58 interesting article about web branding and animal names #

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

out of the mouths of babes

heard today in the staffroom @ lunch time

Five year old Jimmy went home and was looking at a map with his father.

"Did you know that everyone comes from China?" he asked his father.

"That's not right," said his father. "You were born in England, Jonny was born in Australia and Mary was born here in New Zealand."

"You're wrong Daddy," said Jimmy. "Peter told me that everyone comes from their mother's China!"

(Names and countries changed to protect the innocent - but this is a true story!)

It's Tweeter Time

today is brought to you by the following tweets ...

06:53 morning all - it's another day! 66 till my big holiday #

13:44 ah arthropods - what fun things to learn about!! #

16:41 does anyone know if LAX UA terminal has showers before immigration or in the UA domestic terminal #

18:59 going offline to read a *paper* book #

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Monday, October 20, 2008

It's Tweeter Time

today is brought to you by the following tweets ...

16:07 peaceful here - our troubled boarder has left - he was told either stop smoking weed or leave - he left #

16:57 just blogged #

17:20 bundle has the loudest of purrs #

18:38 some random left an red office chair (wheeled type) on our verge #

20:06 excellent coverage of US Presidential race #

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Sunday, October 19, 2008

It's Tweeter Time

today is brought to you by the following tweets ...

11:16 listening to mccain on letterman - he can't say anything new about palin - same old stuff #

11:34 twitbin, twitterfox, twitterific what do you use? #

11:48 getting my photo taken today - need a current one for my diversity visa application #

13:34 heading offline to write reports and plan for next week #

16:27 RIP Mog - #

20:18 hank green & numa numa #

20:54 online yale courses #

20:55 primary level OER Commons courses #

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this can't be true ...

Mog the Forgetful Cat is dead ...


Mog was tired. She was dead tired... Mog thought, 'I want to sleep for ever.' And so she did. But a little bit of her stayed awake to see what would happen next. Mog keeps watch over the upset Thomas family, who miss her terribly, and she wonders how they will ever manage without her. Nothing happens for some time... then suddenly, one day, Mog sees a little kitten in the house. The kitten is frightened of everything - noise, newspapers, bags and being picked up. Mog thinks the kitten is very stupid. But then Mog realises that the nervous kitten doesn't know how to play and just needs 'a little bit of help'. And so, Mog pushes the surprised kitten into Debbie's lap, where it finds it actually likes being tickled and stroked. The new family pet is settled in at last. But Debbie says she will always remember Mog. 'So I should hope,' thinks Mog. And she flies up and up and up right into the sun.


first got gothified then degothified ...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Confession time - I'm an activist. That's right - an activist.

The whole activist thing has crept up slowly on me - but after this last week I have to conclude that I'm now there - full blown activist!

Let me explain. Here in NZ we have a primary teachers union called NZEI and I'm an active member. Briefly the structure works like this. Each school has a worksite rep who reports to the local branch. Each branch has a District Council that it reports to - there are 12 of these throughout NZ. I'm DC Chair for my DC. Each DC meets around 4 times a year to discuss issues and policies etc. We also plan and run professional development seminars for teachers (and principals, support staff and early childhood educators).

Then, once a year, we have our Annual Meeting where representatives from branches and district councils (and the Maori equivalent) meet in Wellington to debate, endorse and plan. We represent around 49,000 people in our union.

This year we celebrated 125 years of our union (complete with birthday cake) as well as debating an organisational review, rule changes, policy amendments and resolutions. Every representative there can participate in the debate and for the first time I got up to speak - twice! Very scary - first time spontaneously, the second time I had written and re-written what I wanted to say. (I stand to oppose this resolution ... )

The thing about being an activist is that you actually look at the issues/policies/resolutions etc - you research them and you make informed commentary on them.

New Zealand is in the build up to a general election (we do it very differently to the USA buildup) and, unlike previous elections, I will be scrutinising what the various parties are actually saying - I know I'll vote Labour/Green - (ironically our Labour colours are RED and National colours are BLUE) - but I will be informed and will debate with candidates when and where possible.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

iTouch and Jailbreaking

so yesterday i decided to jailbreak my iTouch - nothing illegal about it - just not supported by apple!

back in the days when i was a windoze user i was forever tweaking my computer themes ... now i can do that with my iTouch

here is my original homescreen


bog standard as you can see

now - take a look at my current (new) homescreen


isn't it just prettyful ... note the brown cydia icon and the winterboard icon - they're part of the pwnage

and now ... drum roll ... how do you like my starting screen (which normally has a battery indicator)


it's actually animated and is actually the hardest screenshot to get (as it only shows when locked)

note too the name in top left hand corner - it no longer says iPod ...

so - waddaya think - cool or no?